

公称周波数 / Nominal Frequency
Nominal value of the output frequency of an oscillator.
周波数安定度 / Frequency Stability
発振器の出力周波数の公称周波数からのずれの度合いをいいます。( 常温偏差、温度特性偏差、電源電圧変動偏差を含む )
Degree of difference between the Nominal frequency and the output frequency of an oscillator.
( Normal temperature deviation, temperature characteristics deviation and supply voltage changedeviation are included )
動作温度範囲 / Operating Temperature Range
Temperature range for frequency stability of an oscillator as well as for the other output signal characteristics, which satisfies the specifications.
スタンバイ機能 / Standby Function
Function which controls by an external signal whether the output of an oscillator is dispatched or is stopped.
トライステート / Tri State
Function which keeps the output condition at high impedance when the standby function stops the output of an oscillation.
消費電流 / Current Consumption
Current value which flows in from a power supply terminal when an oscillator is in a dispatch condition.
立ち上がり時間 / Rise Time
Time for an output waveform to change from ”L” level to “H” level.
立ち下がり時間 / Fall Time
Time for an output waveform to change to ”L” level from “H” level.
波形対称性 / Symmetry
The ratio between the time, in witch the output voltage is above a specified level, and time in witch the output voltage is below the specified level, in percent of the duration of the full signal period.
発振起動時間 / start-up time
The time difference between the starting point of the d.c. ramp and the time when the output signal fulfils specified level.


  • 品名表示について
  • 用語の説明
  • 高周波発振器の特性
  • シリーズ別周波数範囲
  • 測定回路
  • エンボステーピング及びリール仕様
  • 取り扱いの注意